Friday, December 17, 2010


PipesEven if you live in a part of the country that normally escapes sub-zero temperatures, don't think your pipes can't freeze this winter. All it takes is a cold snap that drops the outside temperature below 20 degrees. In fact, homes in mild-winter climates are especially vulnerable to frozen pipes, since they tend to have plumbing in exterior walls, attics, crawl spaces, and other unheated or unprotected areas.
No matter where you live, when water freezes inside a pipe, it creates a blockage that causes pressure to rise. The pressure builds up and the pipe eventually bursts. And the resulting deluge can seriously damage your home, especially if you're gone when it happens. Fortunately, there are ways to help keep water pipes from freezing. Play it safe and follow this advice from the Institute for Business and Home Safety.
  • Wrap pipes with foam or fiberglass insulation to help keep them from freezing.
  • Seal openings in exterior walls where cold air can get to unprotected pipes.
  • Disconnect garden hoses and place insulated covers over outdoor faucets. Better yet, install inside shut-off valves for outdoor faucets and drain water from the pipes.
  • Consider wrapping pipes with heat tapes or cables. These provide a small amount of electricity to keep pipes warm. Some come with built-in thermostats.
  • For pipes located under kitchen and bath sinks, leave cabinet doors open to let warmer room air get to the pipes.
  • If you're worried about a certain pipe, turn on faucets to a very slow drip to relieve pressure. Make sure both the hot and cold water lines are open.
  • When you leave home for an extended time during the winter, set the thermostat to at least 55 degrees.

Get more tips on preventing frozen pipes at

1 comment:

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